Tag Archives: berlin

Midterm Misery

Want to know the secret to making a theatre major feel really, really dumb?


Yup, it’s midterms in Berlin…already!!  It’s crazy to think that my time here is almost half way over…AND when I think about that, it just makes me not want to study when I know my time in Berlin is becoming more and more limited.

A night out to Berghain, an early morning yoga class followed by a walk in Charlottenburg, and hunkering down in my two favorite eateries, Goodies and Schwarzes Cafe, have all helped the mass of information go down easier 🙂

Vegan chocolate zucchini breadBrunch and books at Schwarzes Cafe

Brunch and books at Schwarzes Cafe

Midterms suck...but I'm still the luckiest girl in the world 🙂

Lunch at KaDeWe

This, my friends, is the most expensive lunch I have ever bought.  I cringe when I think of the exact number, but let’s just say that my lunch from the Mensa, or student cafeteria, cost about %15 of what this meal was.

Tired of eating Mensa (cafeteria) food and the baked potatoes I live off of at the apartment, my friend and I ventured to Charlottenburg to go to the KaDeWe, Berlin’s (if not Europe’s) fanciest department store for a pinkies-out, swanky lunch.

For the record, this lunch was fresh kiwi, parsley, honey, and orange juice, salad with microgreens, a cabbage slaw with kumquats and fennel, cabbage, melon, tomatoes with mozzarella, olives, peppers, and a veggie croquette that I topped with balsamic vinegar and walnut oil.  The soup was an “exotiches Fisches suppe”.

We enjoyed our lunch with views that looked out over the whole city

You could spend an entire day shopping in this expensive megalith, but we decided to poke around the food section.  I’m about to hit you with some serious food porn, but the pictures really don’t do it justice.

Just a small section of the American section of the food department. Maple syrup, El Paso taco kits, Crisco, Betty Crocker, Snapple, Reese's, and much more covered the walls. I'm just happy to know I have somewhere to get my Pop Tart fix 😉